Consultancy and interim management
Our consulting and interim management services help boards and organizations make change better and faster. This is all about people and their relationships. But this is exactly where we also find most of the causes of friction that impede change. We help to get to the bottom of these dynamics. That enables us to realize more effective interventions and get the people in your organization moving. The result? A more powerful connection between employees who together pursue a common ambition. This creates an organization that is more agile, resilient and energetic. This optimizes change capacity and prepares the organization to face the challenges of the future with confidence.
How do we proceed?
Every project is unique, because every organization is unique. This means that our consulting and interim management services are always customized to your situation.
The starting point is always that both the people and the organization have the wisdom they need to change effectively. After all, you know yourself better than anyone else, and no one knows an organization as well as the employees involved. In doing so, our role is first to help clarify the situation and understand what causes frictions. To this end, we do analyses and share insights and experiences about behavior in organizations. Then we help create insight into the potential of employees, individually and collectively. Clarity is essential in change and that is why we always provide a focused (action) plan, in which it becomes clear how you are going to realize your ambitions, what the timing is and what the roles and responsibilities are. To this end, we also support in the decision-making process and, if desired, help make the intended change a success.
The change program
Employees are critical to the degree of success. Therefore, the crucial question for the design of the change process is how to involve, inspire and motivate them. After all, change means a lot of "newness" for everyone involved. This usually demands a lot from employees. It therefore runs better if they are involved and enthusiastic. Because then you increase the change capacity of your organization. So when designing a change project, we pay a lot of attention to how management can bring the employees along. The central question there is: how do we organize for success? How do we make sure it's clear to all levels of the organization what we want to achieve, why and how we want to do it? Who are the key people - within the board, among the executives and the performers?
The change program design should take into account the period of change itself and the period after. Because both phases are not (yet) business as usual and there is a lot of "newness. The existing balance is broken. In the first place because of the change itself and in the second place because after the change the way employees work has become different. Often new team relationships will also emerge, for example because new work processes cut across different departments. For more information on finding that balance, read our newsletter on LinkedIN: Successful change, from memos to magic moves.
Maximize engagement...
The greater the involvement, the better the change goes. Because involvement releases energy and creativity in employees that they put to use to steer the change in the right direction. Engagement doesn't just mean that management communicates about the change. It also means engaging in dialogue. Because people have a great need to be heard and seen in their workplace. A good dialogue not only ensures that, it also helps you reach better decisions. We help you to optimize engagement before and during the process. One of our newsletters on LinkedIN will give you an insight into our vision and approach: All noses in the same direction? Better not!
...and minimize possible resistance
In most change projects, the goal is to gain employee support and it is agreed that a certain focus needs to be applied. So that the organization is not "overfed. Yet once again it turns out that these very factors cause unintended resistance during change projects. We help you with insight into the origins of most forms of resistance. So that we can design the change process in such a way as to avoid it as much as possible. If you want to know more about it, check out our blog Resistance is in your own hands.
There are four characteristics common to organizations with high change capacity. These all relate to the behavior that people exhibit. We summarize all the behavior in an organization under the heading of "culture. We know that it is important, but experience shows that people also find it "elusive. But when we make culture concrete in desired behavior, it quickly becomes clear what works to successfully change and what does not. Culture is not about values statements but about what people do in an organization . It is a factor of importance that should not be underestimated. We help to map the existing and desired culture and guide those involved to make the desired behavioral change a reality. Should you want to know more about it, the following blogs are recommended: Behavior says more than a values statement and Culture change: monkey see, monkey do.
Coaching and workshops
Regularly, employees and teams need a push to develop and grow. For this purpose, Moving As One has developed specific workshops and coaching programs. You can find more information on the page Coaching and workshops.